Coming soon! As my current set of 9th grade physics materials evolves beyond my earlier versions that are copyrighted on AMTA's site, I'll post them here.
The Regents physics materials, aligned to New York State's version of NGSS, is fully outlined and contains all key activities. Additional support materials are still being written through workshops with NYC teachers.
I taught middle school meteorology for fourteen years and worked to develop an approach that built foundational meteorology concepts (temperature, air pressure, humidity) on a particle model of matter. Students interpreted and explained complex ideas by basing their explanations on their understanding of how particles interact at the smallest scale.
I led a one-semester environmental science elective in the fall of 2013. This companion website has links to the electronic resources used in the class. The sequence of the course reflects my physics perspective on the discipline. I hope to teach the course again because of the critical nature of the ideas encountered in the class. Every scientifically literate person needs to spend some time thinking about the complicated relationship between people and our planet.
Environmental Science
Teaching chemistry from a Modeling perspective was a fantastic experience for me. I loved how seamlessly chemistry and physics are intertwined. At my school, physics is taught before chemistry, so I can prepare students with skills and critical ideas in the physics course that foreshadow ideas to come in chemistry. In chemistry, I can take full advantage of the students' robust concepts of mass, force, energy, and electrostatics.
I started an engineering course at Trinity that has since been handed on to three additional teachers, each of whom has improved the course as they have brought their own strengths to the course. There's not much at the course webpage, I've put the link there mostly to help me remember that it exists!